So I was going to try and link up with another blog for Miscellany Monday, but I couldn't figure out how to do it! Ha! Someone will have to explain it to me, so I can try next week. I thought it would be a great link since I feel like that pretty much sums up my life most days, miscellanious! So, I'll just do my post anyway! : )
1. Randomness via my children
What they say is so true, kids really do say the craziest things! This afternoon, when Sawyer WASN"T taking a nap, he was having some alone play time in the playroom. I was in the living room and heard him growling in frustration, so I asked what was wrong. He came in and said, "Honey, I tryin' to get the bears in the bag!!" Hilarious!
2. Not So Happy Easter
Well, we had the best of intentions for Easter this year. We were going to have a house full of people, 19 to be exact, for lunch, that is until the sickness hit. I don't know that I've been so dissapointed in a while. First, Jack got sick, and then Sawyer, then Ian and me. Libby sounds like she may be getting it too, so we'll see. I was so looking forward to this weekend and all the fun we would have with friends, but also talking to Sawyer about what Easter was all about. He takes so much more in these days and I just had these wonderful visions of sitting around as a family telling the story of Jesus' resurrection. Let's just say that did NOT happen. I realized today though, as cliche as it may sound, the Easter story is not just for one day. I can read it to them everyday if I want (and I just might!) and talk about it just as much! I want my kids to be in awe of what Christ did on that cross and what it means for them.
3. Flowers
I love flowers. I love having them in my yard, on my table, and seeing them around town. I do NOT like all the up-keep that comes with flowers. I have decided that I'm going to stick with perennials and bulbs because they are my cup of tea!
(These are a few of the beauties that were blooming at the zoo recently!)
1. Randomness via my children
What they say is so true, kids really do say the craziest things! This afternoon, when Sawyer WASN"T taking a nap, he was having some alone play time in the playroom. I was in the living room and heard him growling in frustration, so I asked what was wrong. He came in and said, "Honey, I tryin' to get the bears in the bag!!" Hilarious!
2. Not So Happy Easter
Well, we had the best of intentions for Easter this year. We were going to have a house full of people, 19 to be exact, for lunch, that is until the sickness hit. I don't know that I've been so dissapointed in a while. First, Jack got sick, and then Sawyer, then Ian and me. Libby sounds like she may be getting it too, so we'll see. I was so looking forward to this weekend and all the fun we would have with friends, but also talking to Sawyer about what Easter was all about. He takes so much more in these days and I just had these wonderful visions of sitting around as a family telling the story of Jesus' resurrection. Let's just say that did NOT happen. I realized today though, as cliche as it may sound, the Easter story is not just for one day. I can read it to them everyday if I want (and I just might!) and talk about it just as much! I want my kids to be in awe of what Christ did on that cross and what it means for them.
3. Flowers
I love flowers. I love having them in my yard, on my table, and seeing them around town. I do NOT like all the up-keep that comes with flowers. I have decided that I'm going to stick with perennials and bulbs because they are my cup of tea!
4. Jack and Giraffes
So after this little incident at the zoo, Jack is not too fond of giraffes. Can you tell why?
5. Libby aka Wibby Woo
I call Libby, Libby Loo a lot and Sawyer picked it up, but Sawyer has given it a new spin, Wibby Woo. Needless to say, it's so cute that it stuck. I mean, I think it fits that sweet little cutie pie in the sun hat.