Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Time Flies

When you're having fun, so they say, but I wish time would slow down just a bit! I can't believe my sweet, baby girl is 6 months old. I feel like it was just a few weeks ago that we brought her home from the hospital! I remember feeling like time was speeding along with Sawyer, and even more so with Jack but with number three it seems to be going by at warp speed! So, even though I'm an ultra schedule momma, and love to get my kids in bed early, I've learned the joy of keeping her up a little later for some extra snuggles. I can't get these days back and I'm going to enjoy every minute while I can my little, blue-eyed love.

You are definitely a happy girl, once you warm up to people. You're becoming a bit of a Momma's girl, but I won't complain!
You can make some funny faces my dear, but they're always super cute!

You've only grown to love those brothers more and more, and the same is true of them. They love to make you laugh and smile and are the first to let me know when you're not happy.

They also think all the new skills you've learned are things they need to copy too.
The three little amigos!

You weren't a huge fan of cereal the first go round, but you've warmed up to it nicely, thanks to your friends Ms. Apple and Mr. Banana. : )

You're not a huge fan of the flash on the camera

But you eventually warm up to it!

You're becoming more curious by the day, and I think you might be a little extrovert like your brother. You're not a huge fan of being left alone and Sawyer, since he feels your pain, is the first to run back to keep you company.

So here's to hoping that the next six months go as slow as molasses in January! I'd like to keep my baby girl for a wee bit longer. ; )
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